Course curriculum

    1. Advanced Eschatology (Catchup Course)

    2. Week 1 - Key Points to refresh ourselves!

    3. Welcome to Eschatology 201. Here are some quick and vital instructions as we level up in this course!

    4. Week 1A- Review the difference between the Rapture and the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ!

    5. Week 1B- Review the difference between the Rapture and the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ!

    6. Week 1 - Quick Review of the 7 Churches Part 1

    7. Week 1- Quick Review of the 7 Churches Part 2

    8. Week 1 - Pre-recorded Zoom

    9. Week 2- Prep and Review for this week.

    10. Week 2- Understanding the three levels of heaven PDF

    11. Week 2- Understanding Revelation Chapter 5

    12. Week 2- Understanding Revelation Chapter 6

    13. Week 2 - Video Teaching

    14. Week 2 Recorded Tuesday Live Zoom

About this course

  • $300.00
  • 14 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content

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